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11 Erimem books

11 Erimem books


All eleven books in the Erimem series, featuring the continuing adventures of the Fifth DOCTOR WHO's former companion and one-time Pharaoh, Erimem.


The books are:

The Last Pharaoh by Iain McLaughlin and Claire Bartlett

The Beast of Stalingrad by Iain McLaughlin

Angel of Mercy by Julianne Todd, Claire Bartlett and Iain McLaughlin

Into the Unknown - an anthology by various authors including Jim Mortimore, Ian Farrington and Beth Jones

Prime Imperative by Julianne Todd

Buccaneer by Iain McLaughlin

All I Want for Christmas - an anthology by various authors including Daniel McGachey, Claire Bartlett and Beth Jones

Churchill's Castle by Beth Jones

Three Faces of Helena by Iain McLaughlin

Return of the Queen by Claire Bartlett

The Egyptian Falcon by Iain McLaughlin

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