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Julianne Todd


Julianne Todd was born in Perth on Scotland, so long ago she hopes no records exist. But if pushed she will admit it was early 70s-ish. She has worked in various jobs including barmaid at a couple of very dodgy pubs, dogsbody in a solicitor's office and even worse dogsbody in a council office before making use of her degree (a first, thank you very much) and becoming a journalist. She has over 18 years experience as a journalist both in print and online and has, since the turn of the millennium, lived and worked in the United States, first in LA before moving to New York, where she is incredibly happy.


Julianne (Jules to her friends or Ms Todd to any editor hassling her over deadlines) lives in a gorgeous apartment with her even more gorgeous partner, Sarah, and their most goreous of all cats, Tigger and Patch.


After years of saying she could write fiction, Julianne is having to put her money where her mouth is. Erimem: Prime Imperative is her first professional fiction. Julianne is also editing the forthcoming Movie Scriptbook project for Thebes Publishing.


Julianne found writing this biography about herself a very strange experience.


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