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2018 schedule

Return of the Queen
a novella by CLAIRE BARTLETT


Unable to travel again to Alexandria in 276BC, Erimem adopts a different means of being present in Egypt's capital city, where she seeks help to save her country from being invaded and also to complete a very personal mission.


Meanwhile, back in 2018, Erimem has been seen getting up to some very strange things...

The Egyptian Falcon
a novella by IAIN McLAUGHLIN


A quiet evening at home watching an old movie takes an unusual turn when a very familiar face appears on screen in a supporting role. Just how did Erimem become a 1940s movie star? The only way to find out is to take a trip back to old-time Hollywood... where something even older is waiting...

A Pharaoh of Mars
a novel by JIM MORTIMORE 


Jim Mortimore's novel is an epic adventure, mixing modern with classic as Erimem and her friends find themselves on a distant world in the middle of a long-running war... and their enemy has a familiar face...


More details and teasers from the novel can be found here.

The Death of Empire
a novella by BETH JONES


An accidental trip to 1918 Russia lands Erimem and her friends in the heart of the Russian Revolution. A brutal change is happening. Centuries of Imperial rule is being brought to an end. Caught in the chaos, Erimem's natural sympathy for the doomed royals is at odds with history, and soon her friends are at odds with all the different sides in the Revolution.


The Way of the Bry'Hunee

A novella. More details soon.

The Final Frontier
a novel by IAIN McLAUGHLIN


“Captain's Journal, hour ten, ninth day, ninth month, old calendar year 2766. Today I led the Galactic Alliance starship Endeavour into battle for the first time.We took the enemy by suprise in orbit around Rinten V. They will be prepared for us next time. We cannot be timid. The future of the galaxy is at stake. We must fight to the last drop of our blood... more importantly, we must fight to the last drop of their blood.”

Captain Erimem Smith GSS Endeavour

Age of Anarchy

A novella. More details soon.

UK Customers

A subscription offer covering the first three novellas of 2018, to be published between January and June of 2018. These titles are Return of the Queen, The Egyptian Falcon and The Death of Empire.



The first three novellas of 2018, POST FREE.


Customers in the UK can subscribe to the paperback editions of the first three novellas of 2018 POST FREE.

Cost £20.97






Non UK Customers


The first three novellas of 2018,

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Customers outside of the UK can subscribe to the paperback editions of the first three novellas of 2018 at reduced rate.

Cost £30








The first three novellas of 2018, ebooks.



Customers in the UK can subscribe to the paperback editions of the first three novellas of 2018 POST FREE.

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