Erimem: A Pharaoh of Mars

A Pharaoh of Mars
A novel by Jim Mortimore
Thebes Publishing is delighted to announce that a trilogy of Erimem’s adventures will be written by JIM MORTIMORE. Jim has written extensively in the DOCTOR WHO universe as well as writing books on Babylon 5, Cracker and Farscape. The first of Jim's books, A Pharaoh of Mars is now almost complete and will be followed by Goddess of Mars and Legions of Mars. Thebes Publishing is proud to have an inventive and unique voice like Jim working with us. This is going to a fantastic adventure which challenges Erimem in ways she has never experienced before.
For reasons beyond his or our control, Jim Mortimore's A Pharaoh of Mars is going to be published later than intended.
A sample of the book can be downloaded from here.
The cover image pictured here is a rough version of a potential cover. A larger version can be viewed here.